These pages help to find answers to the most common questions and troubleshooting. (You may use the browser-search facility).
For more personalized help, please contact us by email or hotline: 0777 165 165 (Mon – Fri 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Sat 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM)
What type of Solar panel is used in this system?
We have the latest range of modules in both mono- and poly-crystalline types.
Are you getting the relevant approval from CEB/ LECO & other concerning bodies etc.?
Yes, Approval is needed only from CEB or LECO which is obtained, but finally CEB/LECO electricity account holder or his attorney power holder must sign a contract with CEB/LECO.
Once agreed, how many days it will take to complete the whole project?
First, we have to get the next available date from our installation team then 2 to 5 days to complete the installation depending on the size of the system.
Do we have any legal agreement before starting the project?
Yes a pro-forma invoice signed by both parties with the necessary conditions.
After Installing the system, do you conduct the relevant repair, maintenances and services at your own cost up to 10 years? What will you do in case of a repair or breakdown?
We do regular maintenances as needed and in case of repair or breakdown immediate action will be taken.
Do we need to bear any other cost other than the amount quoted ( to complete the whole project)?
No all costs included.
If I go to 3kW project and is it possible to expand to 5kW project in future? How to do that?
No, If you expect to expand to a 5kW in the future You have to go for a 5kW inverter with 3 kW panels (12 panels) Then when expanding to a 5 kW system you need to add 8 more panels only.
When you calculate the Electricity Bills does Home Solar projects come under Domestic or General category?
No category change, Bill will be calculated according to the same category as before.
If I use the Net Accounting method, How will the CEB/LECO do the payment if there are excess units exported ? Do they pay at the end of the month or the following month?
It is paid in the following month.
Are CEB/ LECO payments reliable according to your customer feedback?
Yes now they transfer payments for the excess production on net accounting package directly to the bank Account monthly.
When Insurance coverage against lightning expires after two years, if I want to continue what will the cost be?
Rs 500/- per Rs 100000/- value of system per year.
What will be the full weight of systems?
Panels will be installed on the roof and each panel will be 18Kg. Other components will be installed on a wall. Eg- 3 kW- 213 Kg 5 kW- 355 Kg
Every installer claims their inverters and panels are world famous. What’s special with you?
The local company should have a good connection with the mother company and the mother company should be strong enough to hold up the warranty. Since end users can’t get the replacement directly the local company should be able to use their strong connections to get replacemnts if and when needed. We make regular visits to our brands and train our technical staff at the mother companies on a yearly basis.
According to world wide rating Trina panels are the best. Do you agree?
Few months prior a panel production factory in China was visited. At the same factory they were packaging panels to many famous brands. This shows that all the famous brands have panels produced by outsiders. The best part of this above mentioned factory is it doesn’t have authority to send solar panels directly to Sri Lanka as they don’t comply with our listed standards.