Features and Information
*A Genuine Product *
As an established company since 1989, cannot afford to produce, and then maintain a sub-standard product with a “Genuine Warranty”.
Isn’t it our obligation to our Clients that ensure we keep at the leading edge of technology and constant development? Therefore obviously we must have our own research and development team.
Someone who simply copies our product will only have a snapshot at that given time and not a genuine quality product we produce today. Someone who does that won’t be able to develop it like we can and do. Lack of a secure future for both buyer and seller is evident when hot products are sold for a song.
Either we are lying about our product quality, warranty, and genuine service, or those others are selling lower than low-quality products at those unbelievable prices!
Which risk are you willing to take?
Product Guide
Pressure-bearable types
These systems should be used for all water-lines with over 0.5bars (0.05MPa) pressure, with a maximum operating pressure of approx. 6bars (0.6MPa).
Pressure Non-bearable types
CCP / PTN Systems
Special Versions for Non-Potable Water Quality (Hard water) .
SUNBIRD is the pioneer in introducing the Ceramkoat (a ceramic-coated, 3mm thick Mild-Steel Tank – pressure bearable), and Polytherm (plastic tank for pressure non-bearable use) versions with a warranty, specifically designed for use in areas with Non-potable (Hard/bad) water quality. These tanks can withstand the deterioration/corrosion caused by calcium sedimentation, thus increasing their lifetime .
Central Systems (CEN)
Central Solar Hotwater Systems are custom built to each Client’s (Project) requirements and have to be carefully considered due to the installation requirements of main Hot water tanks, panel arrays, and electronic control and pumping systems. Also, thought needs to be put into maintenance personnel and delivery circulation systems, system and backup downtime strategy, and accessibility for installation and removals/replacements.
Additional Info
Vacuum Tubes
Our Standard Tube Size: 58×1800mm Tubes: In the market, there are different kinds of vacuum tubes for the solar water heater. One is common tubes, another is triple layer technology vacuum tubes, and this one we call it “Violet Gold” vacuum tubes for its appearance of a violet gold color. “Violet Gold” High-efficiency heat focus vacuum tube is made by the newest nanotechnology, its absorb floor is made from copper, stainless steel, and aluminum by the 12 -floor spatter plating technology. High boron silicon glass is chosen. By the sis-c/cu selective complex coat, the vacuum tube has high absorption and low reflectance. The Violet gold vacuum tube has the heat preservation effect because of its vacuum interlayer and its temperature can be up to 360 degrees, whereas the other vacuum tubes only could reach 200 degrees.

Electrical Booster Backup Element
The Electrical Booster Backup Element is an additional feature that compliments the use of our system for use whenever there is insufficient solar heating – i.e on rainy days and/or when higher than normal usage occurs (for example when you have visitors). However you must take care in selecting the correct sized unit according to the standard sizing chart, as you can avoid heavy expenses on electricity due to constant boosting due to using more than the recommended capacity of the system.
Our aim is not to provide an electrically operated hot-water system, but to give the user a fall-back device for use in poor weather conditions and occasional high usage scenario. On its own, the solar hot water system should be of sufficient capacity to provide the average daily consumption of hot water. Frequent usage of this accessory could mean that the system is of insufficient capacity for your usage.

Manifold Panels
These panels are used for split type VTP units.

Split Type Model (STP)
FTP and VTP systems can be installed as split type units where the tank and panels are in separate locations much like split-type air conditioners. Although a simple separation of less than 10m with a gradient of panel-tank of > 8° is usually possible, we also have electronically controlled pumped systems. However the further the separation, there is greater heat loss and degrading of the efficiency of the system which needs to be taken into consideration when deciding the placement of tank and collector.

Problems and Solutions
Common issues and REAL SOLUTIONS for consideration.
No Hot Water (due to Air Blockage)
A “Non-Pressure Bearable” type unit is installed usually due to the overhead tank (water supply) being at a low height. This means if there is any air blockage in the water lines to/from the SUNBIRD unit, it will not be cleared out due to the weak pressure (“push” factor). Air blockage usually occurs due to the overhead water tank getting empty, and therefore it should always be kept full – so it is best to have an automatic “floater” switch to keep the water from dropping to empty. If you have an air block you need to “bleed” the air from the line, and also recommend you to have your plumber fix the automatic floater switch to the overhead tank in order to avoid this problem for the future.
No Hot Water (after many years of use)
A “Non-Pressure Bearable” type unit is installed usually due to the overhead tank (water supply) being at a low height. This means if there is any air blockage in the water lines to/from the SUNBIRD unit, it will not be cleared out due to the weak pressure (“push” factor). Air blockage usually occurs due to the overhead water tank getting empty, and therefore it should always be kept full – so it is best to have an automatic “floater” switch to keep the water from dropping to empty. If you have an air block you need to “bleed” the air from the line, and also recommend you to have your plumber fix the automatic floater switch to the overhead tank in order to avoid this problem for the future.
Some user experience this issue, which has a straightforward resolution: In our experience, almost all of these cases are caused by higher usage than the recommended use of that particular model. I.e: the family has expanded and or new equipment uses extra hotwater than initially expected. Basically the usage pattern has changed and therefore the capacity of the system also should. Other reasons to be considered are, higher usage (by additional personnel) – i.e use by unauthorised persons such as in the kitchens and or staff quarters… Trees and over-hangs / next door buildings that gives shade thereby the unit cannot get enough sunlight for good efficiency. Also higher flow-rates of water due to pressure pumps or flow-pumps being installed Additional usage points being added, longer pipes, extra wastage and leaks.