Hotwater FAQs
These pages help to find answers to the most common questions and troubleshooting. (You may use the browser-search facility).
For more personalized help, please contact us by email or hotline: 0777 165 165 (Mon – Fri 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Sat 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM)
What is 5° Overnight Drop?
SUNBIRD units are optimized and tested to provide the best HEAT RETENTION for the highest efficiency.
The maximum overnight heat Loss (during the time period of 4 pm up to 10 am the following day) is recorded (under test conditions) as 5°C, which is approx. 0.28°C drop per hour.
What is our Patent License?
SUNBIRD has obtained Sri Lankan Patent(s) for new innovations for our product.
(See Certifications and Awards)
Over the years our product has been developed and tested by our engineering department to ensure our customer has the best possible product we are able to give them.
Whenever our newly developed designs have been field-tested and successfully implemented, we have obtained the design patents so that you are ensured of receiving the benefits of the genuine product.
What is “Thermosiphon” effect?
A thermosiphon system relies on warm water rising, a phenomenon known as natural convection, to circulate water through the collectors and to the tank. In this type of installation, the tank must be above the collector. As the water in the collector heats, it becomes lighter and rises naturally into the tank above. Meanwhile, cooler water in the tank flows downpipes to the bottom of the collector, causing circulation throughout the system. The storage tank is attached to the top of the collector so that thermosiphoning can occur. These systems are reliable.
What is the wall thickness of the internal tank?
What is the wall thickness of the internal tank?
• Is it 1.5mm 1.2mm 0.9mm or 0.5mm?
• We do out of 1.5mm Stainless steel
• There is no way for the customer to check this
• Anyone can say “yes” 1.5mm but how can a customer check this
• But the final result of non-standard wall thickness is the high risk of bursting the tank.
• Warranty for up to 10 years only can help with this
• The Best question is “who will give a true 10 year warranty”
• Talk to our existing old clients. Out of our customer base of over 20,000 more than 5000 customers have already enjoyed the full 10 years of our warranty period and more.
What is the material of the fins and the tubes inside the panel?
• Is it aluminum Copper or black chrome-plated copper
• We have black chrome or black chrome-plated copper fins
• No way to check this by the customer
• Because anyone can say “yes” Black chrome-plated copper but again how can a customer check this?
• Best question is “what is the average temperature increase per day with solar energy”
• Our flat plate type units reach 55-65C and vacuum tube type units reach 90-95C on average
Do you provide anodic protection to your system?
- Yes
- This is a standard in every sunbird at “No additional cost”
How do you get heated water during the rainy season?
- A water temperature below 40c is required for bathing.
- The system heats the water to 70-90c.
- This hot water is stored in the insulated tank.
- The overnight temperature drop in insulated tank with non-boiling water is 5-10c.
- Therefore, this stored water is sufficient for a few rainy days during the day.
However, with each system, an Incoloy booster element that can heat water by electricity is installed free of charge.
If you select your system with a calculation of 35 liters of hot water per person, you can avoid using the electric heater too often.
Why a Electrical Heater Element?
The Electrical Booster (Heating) Element is provided as a backup solution only for time when the usage of hot water exceeds the capacity of the unit.
This heater element is not required to make hot water in the SUNBIRD unit. However, it is required if heavy usage or bad sunlight conditions occur.
Therefore it is recommended to select the correct capacity unit and avoid using the electricity.
Can a pressure pump be coupled to the system?
All of our Pressure Bearable type units (Flat-Plate Pressure, Flat-Plate Ceramic, Vacuum-Tube Pressure) are tested up to a pressure of 10 bars at our Quality Control phase. We recommend these units to be used with any plumbing system up to 6 bars of pressure
How shall I choose the best SUNBIRD product?
The ideal situation is to go for a unit that is on the higher side of your usage pattern.
This means that if you have usage of 3 or 4 persons per day, it is best to consider the higher number 4 and look at the product recommended for that range (“150l system”), rather than the lower range (“100l system”). This is because the energy from the Sun must be captured/ stored which is a slow process, and it is vital that there is enough excess storage for gloomy days and maximum usage.
However, our Client Relations Officer will assist you in more detail considering roof direction, angle, shade, sun’s path, pipe-lines, usage points, etc. He will make a FREE visit to your site to better recommend the best option.
What is the procedure to buy a SUNBIRD product?
The procedure to follow in selecting and purchasing a SUNBIRD unit begins with calling us using our hotline or directly calling or visiting our island-wide network of showrooms. We will assign a Client Relations Officer who will give you a personalized service throughout the process, and assist you in any manner professionally. At any time you will have recourse to 2 contact points which are the Client Relations Officer and the Showroom Manager, who will have all your details and give the best recommendation in selecting and installing the unit.
What are the Long-Term Benefits?
Solar water heaters offer long-term benefits that go beyond simple economics. In addition to having free hot water after the system has paid for itself in reduced utility bills, you and your family will be cushioned from future fuel shortages and price increases. You will also be doing your part to reduce this country’s dependence on foreign oil. Adding a solar water heater to an existing home raises the resale value of the home by the entire cost of the system.
What are the Environmental Benefits?
Solar water heaters do not pollute. By investing in one, you will be avoiding carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and the other air pollution and wastes created when your utility generates power or you burn fuel to heat your household water. When a solar water heater replaces an electric water heater, the electricity displaced over 20 years represents more than 50 tons of avoided carbon dioxide emissions alone. Carbon dioxide traps heat in the upper atmosphere, thus contributing to the “greenhouse effect.”
Things to Think About First
When investing in a solar energy system, it is cost-effective to invest in making your home more energy-efficient. Taking steps to use less hot water and to lower the temperature of the hot water you use reduces the strain on your solar water heater.
Good first steps are installing low-flow showerheads or flow restrictors in showerheads and faucets, and insulating any hot water pipes that pass through exposed areas. You’ll also want to make sure your site has enough available sunshine to meet your needs efficiently and economically. This means trimming or removing/relocating trees/objects in the vicinity of the solar unit.
Be a Smart Consumer
There are many small home-based producers of solar hotwater systems these days. Take the same care in choosing a solar water heater that you would in the purchase of any major appliance.
Your best protection is to consider only certified and labeled systems, and the company background to look after your investment and their past record. Client testimonials are invaluable in this regard. Find out if the manufacturer offers a warranty, and, if so, what the warranty covers and for how long. If the dealer you are buying the equipment from goes out of business, can you get support and parts from the manufacturer?
Notes on Potable Water
POTABLE WATER | Desirable | Max. permissible |
• pH | 7.0-7.2 | 6.5-7.5 |
• Total Hardness | <100ppm | 200 ppm |
• Iron | < 0.05 ppm | 0.1 ppm |
Water quality testing can be provided at a nominal charge. Sample must be taken from the site and relevant outlet into a clean water bottle which has been rinsed out with the same water prior to filling and then well sealed. (Sample must be forwarded to JFA office within 8 hrs of the collection)
Water quality in excess of above maximum permissible range/s is considered as Non-Potable Water and is liable to impact the performance and lifetime of the tank/panels and accessories such as heat element/safety valves etc.

Also, please note that dirt/mud and other liquids/chemicals being used or added to the water supply are also considered under this situation.
For areas with high mineral content in the water supply, our ceramic-coated or plastic tanks – SUNBIRD CCP (Ceramkoat) / PTN (Polytherm) systems are available with a special warranty.